S-ILF Scholarships 2023: Apply Online, Registration, Last Date, Rewards

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S-ILF Scholarships 2023 In India’s struggle against leprosy, the year 2005 marked a watershed event. India achieved a prevalence of fewer than one case per 10,000 people, which is the WHO’s target for eradicating Leprosy as a public health hazard. The fight against Leprosy is like riding a motorbike with two wheels: the front wheel is medical treatment and care, and the rear wheel is social and economic rehabilitation for those who have been impacted by the disease.

S-ILF Scholarships
S-ILF Scholarships

Mr. Sasakawa took two bold measures after decades of supporting the front wheel. One, assisting in the formation of the National Forum of Leprosy Affected People (now renamed Association of People Affected by Leprosy) – an organization of people living in Leprosy colonies across the country; and two, assisting in the formation of a foundation to assist in the economic empowerment of people living with Leprosy so that they can begin to earn a living with dignity. The Sasakawa-India Leprosy Foundation, as it is known, was founded on the 21st of November 2006

What Is S-ILF Scholarships 2023?

The Sasakawa-India Leprosy Foundation (S-ILF) is glad to encourage students living in self-settled leprosy colonies to apply for financial assistance to pursue further professional degrees.

Candidates under the age of 17 will benefit from this scholarship, which will cover everything from entrance fees to tuition costs, meal fees, and boarding expenses.

  1. B.Sc. Nursing (Basic) and GNM students will be eligible for the award.
  2. The grant would be accessible exclusively to Indian Nursing Council-approved institutes.
  3. There will be no capitation charge for admittance.

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Key Highlights of S-ILF Scholarships 

Conducted bySasakawa-India Leprosy Foundation (S-ILF)
Name of ScholarshipS-ILF Scholarships 2023
ObjectiveA Skills To Empowerment Programme
BenefitsS-ILF will pay for the tuition fees and other expenses
Eligibility CriteriaThe applicant should suffer from leprosy
DeadlineUpdate Soon
Official WebsiteS-ILF

Objective of S-ILF Scholarships 

  • To increase social acceptability of persons affected by Leprosy and their families through the dissemination of scientific information; also to create increased awareness about the disease; to bust myths in people’s minds about Leprosy.
  • To create conditions that will enable them to have equal access to economic and educational opportunities.

Benefits of S-ILF Scholarships 

The eligible applicants under the S-ILF scholarship will get tuition fees, admission fees, mess fees, and boarding/ hostel expenses to the institutes directly. 

Eligibility Criteria 

At least one parent or candidate must have had leprosy and lived in a self-contained leper colony.

  • In any given year, only one member of a household is eligible for the scholarship.
  • Only first-year students who will commence their studies/courses in the academic year 2021-22 will be considered.
  • Applicants who have received a scholarship from another organization or individual will be disqualified.
  • Applicants for B.Sc. (Basic Nursing) must have completed their upper secondary education (10+2) with Physics, Chemistry, Biology, and English from a recognized school.
  • Students in the arts and commerce are eligible to apply for GNM.
  • At the time of application, the applicant must be at least 17 years old.
  • The applicant must have successfully completed a previous course in the years 2022 or 2021.

Important Dates

The last date for the submission of the S-ILF Scholarships form will update soon.

Documents Required

Application forms must be accompanied by the following documents:  

  • Passport-size photographs of the applicant
  • Self-attested copies of the following documents,
    •  i) Birth certificate or proof of date of birth 
    • ii) Mark sheets of the 10th, and 12th Board Exam. 
  •  Leprosy certificate of parent/s (treatment certificate from the place where treated or Certificate from District Leprosy Officer or Disability certificate mentioning Hansen’s disease/leprosy)
  • Admission letter/call letter issued by the institute to which she has secured admission or else the applicant should provide the Annexure-I
Selection of Students
  • All eligible candidates will be listed in the order of the set criteria of merit in the last examination.
  • Meritorious students will be called for the personal interview and top candidates will be selected for the scholarship by the selection committee.
  • The scholarship fund will be given only if admission is secured for a professional course in a government-recognized institution
  • In case, a candidate decides not to avail of a scholarship or fails to secure admission for a professional course in a government-recognized institution, the candidate next in line will be eligible to avail of the scholarship.

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Application Procedure for Scholarships

Application Procedure for S-ILF Scholarships 2022
Official Website
  • The application form should be complete and along with the required attested documents should be uploaded on scholarship.silf.in the latest by 5 June 2022. 
  • In case the student has already gained admission, proof of admission in a government-recognized institute is mandatory. Candidates can also submit an admission call letter issued by the institute to which s/he have secured admission.
  •  In case admission is still being sought, the candidate must fill up Annexure I.

Expectations from Selected Candidates

  • Regular attendance and dedication to learning
  • High performance
  • The candidates should adhere to all the rules, regulations, and disciplines of the respective institution/hostel where they are studying. Any report from the institute/hostel which amounts to a violation of the above would result in the withdrawal of the scholarship.
Contact Address

Sasakawa India Leprosy Foundation 2 nd Floor, IETE Building, 2, Institutional Area, Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110003 Tel No +91-11-24603439,24603440 Websitesscholarship.silf.in www.silf.in 

For any further information please contact: 

  •  Ms. Charu Gaba: 99905037592
  •  Mr. Tanzeel Khan: 9891572290

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