Marie Curie Fellowship 2023: Apply Online, Eligibility, Deadline, Benefits 

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Marie Curie is a European Fellowship, it is also known as Marie Sklodowska– Curie Individual Actions (MSCA). Doing research involves more than just receiving financial rewards and funding. A well-rounded fellowship program will consider your overall education and professional development. Getting knowledge and experience are some of the biggest reasons why many students do Ph.D. and Masters abroad. If you are interested in a Ph.D. fellowship to help you in achieving these ambitious goals then the Marie Curie Fellowship is the fellowship that you are looking for. Marie Curie Post Doctoral Fellowship supports researchers at all stages of their careers regardless of age and nationality. The research fellowship helps to fund career development opportunities for researchers working across all disciplines. In this article, we will give you brief information about the Fellowship, its eligibility criteria, benefits, objectives, application procedure, and much more.

Marie Curie Fellowship
Marie Curie Fellowship

About Marie Curie Fellowship 2023

If you are a researcher of any nationality and looking for a job in a dynamic learning environment and one of Europe’s leading Institutes in Information and Communication Technology (ICT) research and Innovation, an MSCA fellowship at Tyndall may be for you. Marie Curie Fellowship is funded by the European Commission to enable brilliant and experienced researchers to pursue their research at a host institution in Germany. It also gives valuable experience in both academic and non-academic contexts. In addition to providing financial support, the Marie Curie Individual Fellowship enhances collaboration, dissemination, and public involvement in order to promote independent thinking and leadership ability. Every researcher participates in a series of training, seminars, and workshops aimed at broadening their research skills.

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Key Highlights of Marie Curie Fellowship

Conducted byMarie Sktodowska– Curie Actions (MSCA)
Name of FellowshipMarie Curie Fellowship 2022
ObjectiveGives valuable experience in both academic and non-academic contexts.
BenefitsGive financial support
Eligibility CriteriaA relevant Master’s Degree
Last dateReleased soon
Official websiteMarie Curie

Objective of Marie Curie Fellowship 

The objective of PFs is to support researchers’ careers and foster excellence in research. The Postdoctoral Fellowships action targets researchers holding a Ph.D. who wish to carry out their research activities abroad, acquire new skills and develop their careers. PFS helps researchers gain experience in other countries, disciplines, and non-academic sectors.

Benefits of Marie Curie Fellowship 

The beneficiary receiving EU funding needs to recruit the researcher for the total period of the fellowship.

The EU provides support for the recruited researcher in the form of

  • a living allowance
  • a mobility allowance
  • if applicable, family, long-term leave, and special needs allowances

In addition, funding is provided for

  • research, training, and networking activities
  • management and indirect costs
AllowanceAmount in EUR and INR (per month)
Mobility AllowanceEuro 600
Living AllowanceEuro 500
Family AllowanceEuro 4,880
Eligibility Criteria 

Interested researchers submit an application together with a host organization, which can be a university, research institution, business, SME, or other organization based in an EU Member State or Horizon Europe Associated Country. All disciplines are eligible for Postdoctoral Fellowships, including research areas covered by the Euratom Research and Training Programme.

Researchers interested in PFS

  • Should have a Ph.D. degree at the time of the deadline for applications. Applicants who have successfully defended their doctoral thesis but who have not yet formally been awarded the doctoral degree will also be considered eligible to apply
  • Must have a maximum of eight years experience in research, from the date of the award of their Ph.D. degree, years of experience outside research and career breaks will not count towards the above maximum, nor will years of experience in research in third countries, for nationals or long-term residents of EU Member States or Horizon Europe Associated Countries who wish to reintegrate to Europe
  • Should comply with mobility rules: they must not have resided or carried out their main activity (work, studies, etc.) in the country of the beneficiary (for European Postdoctoral Fellowships), or the host organization for the outgoing phase (for Global Postdoctoral Fellowships) for more than 12 months in the 36 months immediately before the call deadline.
Documents Required

For family allowance the applicant must provide the following documents:

  • Marriage certificate
  • In another region or country, formal relationship status is equivalent to marriage
  • Dependent children

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Application Procedure for Fellowship 2023

Application Procedure for Marie Curie Fellowship
Marie Curie Fellowship Official Website
  • The homepage will appear on your screen where you have to select any program according to your references.
  • Now scroll down and click on learn more options to know the steps which are involved in registration.
Application Procedure for Marie Curie Fellowship
Learn More

Find the Suitable Call for a Proposal

The European Commission and its funding bodies publish calls for proposals on the Funding & Tenders Portal.

  • You may start your search from the home page by entering different keywords that best characterize your field of interest, and then refine the results with the help of further filters.
  • You may start your search by selecting one of the EU funding programs listed on the home page, and then navigate via the quick links to the calls for proposals for a specific program.
  • Calls are divided into topics, and implemented by different types of actions. Select a topic to read more about the identified opportunity: the topic-related documents, guidance, and other instructions are available on a topic page.
  • The site offers a search on calls for proposals and tenders of European institutions.

Find Project Partners

Read the topic conditions to assess the partnership and other eligibility requirements of a call.

To publish your partner search request or offer, select a topic on the Search Funding and Tenders page. Further help is available in the IT HOW TO. Use the Partner Search offered on this site to select an organization based on their profile or their previous participation.

Create an EU Login Account

Each user has to have an EU Login account to log in to the Portal. If you already have such an account, you can use it for any interactions supported on this site from proposal submission to reporting.

If you do not have an account yet, you need to create one by clicking on the REGISTER button. Otherwise, you get access only to the public services of the site (eg. searching for funding opportunities, reading guidance, etc.)

Register an Organization

The Participant Register is the Commission’s online tool to register and manage the data of the organizations participating in the EU programs. It allows consistent handling of the participants` official data and avoids multiple requests to enter the same information.

If you want to participate in a project proposal, your organization needs to be registered and have a 9-digit Participant Identification Code (PIC). This unique identifier of your organization will be used as a reference by the Commission in any interactions.

Submit Your Grant Proposal

Select your topic and go to the Submission Service section of the topic page. Make sure that you select the correct type of action before you start drafting a proposal. The link to the submission system is available if the status of the call is ‘open’. Log in with your EU Login account is required

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