Oasis Scholarship Amount List 2025 Online Check at oasis.gov.in

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Oasis Scholarship Amount List 2025 is now available. Oasis scholarship portal is the main scholarship portal of West Bengal State through which the students can apply for the different types of scholarships available by the Welfare Department of the backward cast and categories. The official scholarship amount list is now available in a PDF format and uploaded on the official website of the Oasis scholarship portal. Students can easily see the total amount that needs to be paid by the government to them if they are applying for any type of scholarship. There are different types of scholarships available on the official website to be applied by the students. Check more about the Oasis Scholarship Amount List 2025 here:

Oasis Scholarship Amount List
Oasis Scholarship Amount List

What is the Oasis Scholarship?

The Oasis scholarship portal is the official website through which the different types of scholarships are uploaded. Students can visit the official website to apply for an Oasis Scholarship Amount List to get financial assistance directly transferred to their bank accounts. There are different types of scholarships available for students belonging to the backward cast and categories available in the West Bengal State. The scholarship opportunity is only available for students who are permanent residents of the West Bengal State. People who belong to the scheduled caste and scheduled tribe categories can now fill out the application form for the scholarship available online. 

Also Read: West Bengal Medhashree Scholarship

Objective of Oasis Scholarship Amount List

The main objective of these scholarships presented by the west Bengal government is to help the people who come from the economically backward section of the society. Financial assistance will be transferred to the bank account of the beneficiaries every month under the Oasis scholarship. Students can fill out the application form according to the category that they belong to by visiting the official website. Students can register themselves on the official website and also check the application status of the scholarship by clicking on the activated link present there. The Oasis Scholarship Amount List is available in a PDF format to depict the information about the money that the students will be getting. 

Key Features of Oasis Scholarship Amount List

  • The PDF list of the Oasis scholarship amount will give important information about the financial assistance that will be transferred to the beneficiaries’ bank accounts. 
  • Students will be able to download the Oasis Scholarship Amount List easily from the official website of the Oasis scholarship portal.
  • The official list will also give information about the different types of scholarship schemes now activated on the official website. 
  • Students can easily get the eligibility criteria regarding the scholarship by downloading the official Oasis scholarship amount list.
  • Information about the quota for each scholarship will also be included in the list. 

About Oasis Pre Matric Scholarship 

Students who have still not completed their class 9th board exams will be eligible to apply for the pre-matric Scholarship scheme available on the official scholarship portal. The pre-matric scholarship opportunities are available to help the students to apply for the different types of financial assistance that can help them to continue their schooling. Sometimes the students are not able to pay the tuition fees for their schools and colleges because of their financial troubles but through this scholarship, they will be able to continue their education. The financial assistance will be directly transferred to the bank account of the beneficiaries and must be used to pay the tuition fees. 

About Oasis Post Matric Scholarship 

The Post Matric Scholarship scheme is mostly available for students who have completed their class 10 board exams and now want to complete their class 12 board exams. Mostly, the students who got good marks in the class 10th board exams will be eligible to apply for the post-matric scholarship. Most students drop out after completing the class 10 board exams because higher education is highly expensive for students who belong to the SC and ST categories. To eliminate the dropping rate of the students the post-matric scholarships are also actively available on the Oasis portal to be applied by interested students. 

Also Check: West Bengal Post Matric Scholarship

Eligibility Criteria 

  • The applicant must be a permanent resident of the West Bengal State.
  • The applicant must be coming from an economically backward section of the society.
  • The annual income of the applicant must be less than rupees 3 lakh. 
  • The specified eligibility criteria will be mentioned in the scholarship scheme of your choice. 

Benefits of Oasis Scholarship Amount List

  • By downloading this scholarship amount list students will be able to get a clear idea regarding the number of financial assistance they can get in a scholarship.
  • Students will be able to get in information about the eligibility criteria and the quota available in a scholarship.
  • Students will be able to continue their education and get financial assistance by following the amount list.
  • Hostellers and Days Scholars will be able to identify the difference between the scholarship amount available to both of them using the amount list. 
  • The amount list will also help the students to get an idea of the number of scholarships available in the portal. 

Financial Assistance Benefits 

There are several financial assistance available for the students who belong to the economically backward section of the society directly by the West Bengal government. The West Bengal government has created the Oasis portal to help the students apply for the various types of scholarship schemes. This scholarship scheme for only open to students belonging to the economically backward section of society. The financial benefits are the main reason why students apply for the various types of scholarships. Different financial assistance is available for hostels and days Scholars along with normal students who go to school for 5 hours a day. The financial assistance will be provided directly into the bank account so make sure that you have a bank account. 

Detailed Mention under Oasis Scholarship Amount List
  • Name of the Scheme
  • Rate of Grant
  • Ceiling of Family Income
  • Quota if there be any
  • Duration
Required Documents 
  • West Bengal Domicile Certificate.
  • Caste Certificate.
  • Income Certificate.
  • Birth Certificate.
  • Aadhar Card or any other government proof of ID.
  • Passport-size photo of the candidate.
  • Address Proof.
  • Mark sheet of previous qualifying examination.

Also Read: West Bengal Pre Matric Scholarship

Check Oasis Scholarship Amount List Online 2025

Sl.Name of the SchemeRate of GrantCeiling of Family IncomeQuota if there be anyDuration
1.Sikshashree to SCVI-Rs 500/- P.A.VII-Rs 650/- P.A.VIII-Rs 700/- P.A.IX-Rs 800/- P.A.Rs 2,50,000/-p.a.No QuotaOnce in a Year
2.Hostel Grant for S.C. Students Lodging in Schoolattached Hostel Rs 750/-p.m. Per StudentRs 36,000/-p.a.55,00010 Months in a year
3.Ashram Hostel Grant for SC Students readingClasses I to XRs 750/-p.m. Per Student + Rs 92/- p.m. for meeting other ExpensesRs 36,000/-p.a.Number of students thatcan be accommodated12 Months
4.Post-Matric Scholarship to S.C. Hosteller(p.m.)Hosteller(p.m.)State RateGr. I Rs1200/-p.m  Gr. II Rs820/- p.m  Gr. III Rs750/-p.m Gr. IV Rs750/-p.m GOI Rate Rs 1200/-p.m.Rs 820/-p.m.Rs 570/-p.m.Rs 380/-p.m. 
Day ScholarRs550/-p.m.Rs530/-p.m.Rs300/-p.m.Rs230/-p.m.
Rs2,50,000/- p.a.M.C. + Full FeesNo Quota12 Months
5.Merit Scholarship (V-X) for S.C GirlsV – VI-Rs100/- p.m. VII – VIII-Rs 125/- p.m.IX – X- Rs 150/- p.m. Rs 60,920/-p.a.196212 Months
6.Merit Scholarship(IX-XII) for SCRs 400/-p.m.Rs 36,000/-p.a.79012 Months
7.Upgradation of Merit for S.C. Students(IX-XII)Package Grant of Rs 15,000/- p.a. per StudentNo Ceiling36810 Months
8.Unclean Occupation from classes I-X (GOI & State rate)HostellerIII to X – 700 /-p.m.Ad hoc Grant-1000/- p .a.Day ScholarI to X – 110 /-p.m.Adhoc Grant -750/-p.a.No ceilingNo quota10 months
9.Pre-Matric(CS) Scholarship for students belonging to SC (IX & X)Hosteller GOI Rate  Rs. 350/-p.m  AdhocGrant: Rs. 1000/-p.a State RateRs. 750/-p.mRs. 1000/-p.a Rs. 2,00,000/-p.a. No quota10 months
10.Pre-Matric Scholarship to O.B.C. StudentsHosteller (GOI & State Rate)III to VIII – 200 /-p.mIX & X -250/- p.m. State Rate Day Scholar VtoX-40/-p.m. Day Scholar (GOI Rate)I to V- 25/-p.mVI to VIII – 40/- p.mIX & X – 50/-p.mAdhoc Grant (GOI) Rs500 p.a. for Hosteller & D.S.44,500/-p.a. No quota10 months
11.Post-Matric Scholarship to O.B.C. Students (XI onwards)Hosteller Gr.A-750/-p.m. Gr.B -510/-p.m. Gr.C- 400/-p.m. Gr.D-260/-p.m.Day ScholarGr.A- 350/-p.m. Gr.B – 335/-p.m. Gr.C- 210/-p.m.Gr.D- 160/-p.m.  1,00,000/-p.a.M.C. + FeesNo quota10 months

Download Oasis Scholarship Amount List

Oasis Scholarship Amount List Official Website
Oasis Scholarship Amount List Official Website
  • The home page will open on your screen 
  • Go to the official Announcement section and click on the option called Scholarship Amount List
Oasis Scholarship List
Oasis Scholarship List
  • The PDF of the list will on your screen which you can download accordingly. 
Contact Details 
  • bcwoasis@gmail.com
  • 8420023311
Oasis Scholarship Amount List 2025 FAQs
What is the official website of the Oasis Scholarship?

The official website of the Oasis Scholarship is https://oasis.gov.in/

What is the scholarship amount of the Oasis Scholarship?

The scholarship amount for the Oasis Scholarship will be listed in the official amount list published on the official website.

Why should I download the Oasis Scholarship?

Students must download the official amount list of the Oasis Scholarship so that they can get information about the scholarship amount And The Quota of the scholarship. 

What is the last date to apply for the Oasis Scholarship?

The last date to apply for the Oasis Scholarship will be different for the different scholarships listed on the official website to be applied by the students.

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