Caste Certificate Apply Online- How to Get a Caste Certificate?

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If you belong to a certain caste in India then it is important to prove that you belong to that caste because it is required in the admissions to prestigious colleges and Universities in India and caste certificate you will not be able to avail yourself of the relaxations provided by the Indian government. You can check out the details related to the Caste Certificate Apply Online from the article provided below and we will also share with you all the step-by-step procedures through which you will be able to apply online for the caste certificate. We will share with all of you the application portals which are available in India in order to help you get a caste certificate. 

Caste Certificate Apply Online
Caste Certificate Apply Online

About Caste Certificate Apply Online

If you belong to the scheduled caste, scheduled tribe, and other backward castes in India then you need to have a particular caste certificate so that you can prove that you belong to that particular caste. The applicant must have a particular Caste Certificate Apply Online which can be applied through your nearest tehsil or your revenue circle office or now you can also fill out the application form available at the official websites created by the Indian government for the different states available in India. The applicants can fill out the application form available at the official portal and they will be eligible to get a caste certificate delivered to their doorstep. You do not have to go anywhere in particular in order to apply for the past certificate.

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Providing Authorities for Caste Certificate

The following authorities will be providing the caste certificate in the different states available in India:-

S.No.StateProviding AuthorityProcessing Time
1.Andhra PradeshRevenue Department, Government of Andhra Pradesh15 days (30 days for ST category)
2.Arunachal PradeshDeputy Commissioner’s Office of each district14 days
3.AssamOffice of Deputy Commissioner or SDO of each district30 days
4.BiharCircle office/SDO office/District Magistrate office10 working days
5.ChhattisgarhSDM/Tehsildar/Revenue Department OfficesNot specified
6.GoaRevenue Department, Government of Goa10 days
7.GujaratTehsil/Revenue OfficeNot specified
8.HaryanaSDM of the concerned Subdivision or District Commissioner of the concerned district7 working days
9.Himachal PradeshTehsildar/Naib Tehsildar of the concerned districtNot specified
10.JharkhandDepartment of Personnel, Administrative Reforms and RajbhashaNot specified
11.KarnatakaTaluk level functionary21 days
12.KeralaRevenue Inspector or Village Administrative Officer5 days
13.Madhya PradeshTehsil/Revenue/Circle Office30 days
14.MaharashtraSub-Divisional Officer/ Deputy Collector45 days
15.ManipurOffice of Deputy CommissionerNot specified
16.MeghalayaSub-Divisional Officer/ Deputy CollectorNot specified
17.MizoramTehsil/Revenue/Circle Office2 to 3 days
18.NagalandOffice of the Commissioner Nagaland / District Administration / District MagistrateNot specified
19.OdishaDistrict Magistrate/ADM/SDO/Tahsildar Not specified
20.PunjabConcerned Sub-Divisional OfficeUp to 6 days
21.RajasthanRespective Tehsil/Block/Revenue OfficeNot specified
22.SikkimDistrict Administrative CentreNot specified
23.Tamil NaduTaluk/Panchayat Union OfficeNot specified
24.TelanganaTehsil/Revenue Office15 days (30 days for ST category)
25.TripuraOffice of the Sub-Divisional Magistrate15 to 40 days
26.Uttar PradeshDistrict Magistrate Office of concerned district15 to 25 days
27.UttarakhandRespective Tehsil /Revenue/Circle OfficeNot specified
28.West BengalDistrict Welfare Office/SDO/BDONot specified
29.Andaman and Nicobar IslandsConcerned Tehsildar OfficerNearly 14 days
30.ChandigarhSDM Office9 to 30 working days
31.Dadra and Nagar HaveliMamlatdar office/Collector office7 to 10 days
32.Daman and DiuMamlatdar office/Collector office7 to 10 days
33.DelhiSDM/Tehsildar/CSC (Citizen Service Centre)14 days
34.Jammu and KashmirConcerned Tehsildar OfficesNot specified
35.LadakhConcerned Tehsildar OfficesNot specified
36.LakshadweepTehsil /Revenue/Circle OfficeNot specified
37.PuducherryTehsil /Revenue/Circle OfficeNot specified

Eligibility Criteria

The applicant must follow the following eligibility criteria to apply for a caste certificate:-

  • The applicant must be a permanent resident of India.
  • The applicant must belong to that certain caste.
  • The caste certificate can be eligible for a long period of time however in some places it is only eligible for 3 years and you will have to renew it each time it expires. 
Documents Required

The following documents are required in order to apply for a caste certificate:-

  • Identity proof
    • PAN card
    • Aadhaar card
    • Passport
    • MGNREGA card
    • RSBY card
    • Driving license
    • Identity cards issued by government or semi-government organizations
  • Address proof
    • PAN card
    • Aadhaar card
    • Voter ID card
    • Ration card
    • Driving license
    • Electricity bill
    • Water bill
    • Property tax receipt
    • Telephone bill
    • Rent receipt
    • Passport
  • Affidavit for Caste certificate
  • Proof of Caste
    • Extract of applicant’s/applicant’s Father/Grandfather Primary School Register 
    • Primary school leaving certificate of the applicant or his/her father
    • Extract of Birth Register of the applicant/father/relative
    • Extracts from Government Service Record (book) that mentions caste/community/ category of the applicant’s father or relative
    • Caste certificate issued by the Department of Social Justice
    • Validity certificate of any of father or relative (issued by the scrutiny committee)
    • Revenue records/Village panchayat record
    • Other relevant documents
  • Income proof
  • Land related proof

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Caste Certificate Online Application Procedure

The applicant can fill out the application form for the past certificate by following the following application procedure online:-

S.No.StateApplication Form
1.Andhra PradeshYou can fill out the application form at the MEESEVA app of the Government of Andhra Pradesh.
2.Arunachal PradeshYou can fill out the application form at the Arunachal eServices portal of the Government of Arunachal Pradesh.
3.AssamYou can fill out the application form at the e-District services of the Assam state portal
4.BiharYou can fill out the application form at the RTPS portal of the Bihar Government. 
5.ChhattisgarhYou can fill out the application form at the Chhattisgarh state portal.
6.GoaYou can fill out the application form at Goa Online portal.
7.GujaratYou can fill out the application form at the Digital Gujarat portal.
8.HaryanaDownload the form from the e-Disha portal and submit the completed form to the concerned authority. 
9.Himachal PradeshApply online through Himachal Online Seva (e-District) portal.
10.JharkhandApply online through Jharkhand e-District (JharSewa) portal.
11.KarnatakaApply online through the official website of Nadakacheri AJSK. 
12.KeralaApply online through the Akshaya portal of the Government of Kerala.
13.Madhya PradeshApply online through the Samagra portal of the Government of Madhya Pradesh. 
14.MaharashtraApply online through the Aaple Sarkar portal of the Government of Maharashtra. 
15.ManipurYou can fill out the application form at the e-District portal of Manipur.
16.MeghalayaYou can fill out the application form at the e-District portal of Meghalaya.
17.MizoramYou can fill out the application form at the e-District portal of Mizoram.
18.NagalandYou can fill out the application form at the e-District portal of Nagaland.
19.OdishaYou can fill out the application form at the e-District portal of Odisha.
20.PunjabYou can fill out the application form at the state portal of Punjab.
21.RajasthanYou can fill out the application form at the e-Mitra portal of the Government of Rajasthan.
22.SikkimYou can fill out the application form at the e-Services portal of Sikkim.
23.Tamil NaduYou can fill out the application form at the Tamil Nadu e-Sevai centre.
24.TelanganaYou can fill out the application form at the MeeSeva portal of the Government of Telangana.
25.TripuraYou can fill out the application form at the e-District portal of Tripura. 
26.Uttar PradeshYou can fill out the application form at the e-Saathi web portal or mobile app.
27.UttarakhandYou can fill out the application form at the e-District portal of Uttarakhand.
28.West BengalYou can fill out the application form at West Bengal e-District portal.
29.Andaman and Nicobar IslandsYou can fill out the application form at the official portal of the Andaman & Nicobar Administration.
30.ChandigarhYou can fill out the application form at the Sampark portal of Chandigarh.
31.Dadra and Nagar HaveliYou can fill out the application form at the official portal of Dadra and Nagar Haveli Administration. 
32.Daman and DiuYou can fill out the application form at the official portal of the Daman and Diu Administration.
33.DelhiYou can fill out the application form at the e-District portal of Delhi.
34.Jammu and KashmirYou can fill out the application form at Jammu & Kashmir State e-Services.
35.LadakhYou can fill out the application form at the official portal of the Union Territory of Ladakh.
36.LakshadweepNot applicable
37.PuducherryYou can fill out the application form at the e-District portal of Puducherry.

Offline Application Procedure

The applicant can fill out the offline application form in the different districts in which the online platform is not available through the following offices:-

  • Tehsildar Office
  • SDM Office
  • Revenue Office
  • CSC (Citizen Service Centers)/SETU centers
  • Collector Office

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