Mizoram Scholarship 2025: Apply Online, Eligibility, Status & Last Date

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To provide educational opportunities among the students of the state for the courses like secondary Higher Secondary And Higher level, the government and Central Government of Mizoram have launched a new scholarship scheme known as Mizoram Scholarship. In this article today we will share with you all the important information related to Mizoram Scholarship 2025 such as the objective, eligibility criteria, important documents, and rewards. Also, we will share with you all the step-by-step application procedures to apply under this scholarship.

Mizoram Scholarship
Mizoram Scholarship

What Is Mizoram Scholarship 2025?

Several scholarships like Pre Matric, Post Matric Merit Cum Means, and Post Secondary will be provided by the Government of Mizoram and the Central Government for the students who are studying at Secondary, Higher Secondary, or Higher Level of Education under Mizoram Scholarship.  The main aim of launching this scholarship is to provide financial assistance so that the children will be able to continue higher education without thinking about any financial hurdles. This scholarship will help the student to make their future bright. All interested applicants who want to apply for these scholarships will have to visit the official website of the national scholarship portal or the UGC website.

Details Of Mizoram Scholarship

Name of the schemeMizoram Scholarship 2025
Launched byGovernment and Central Government
BeneficiariesThe students of Mizoram
ObjectiveTo promote higher education
BenefitStudents will be able to make their future bright
Scholarship AmountVariable
Mode of ApplicationOnline
Official WebsiteMizoram

Objective Of Mizoram Scholarship

As we all know there are many financially weak and needy students in the state who, due to the lack of financial funds, are not able to continue their higher studies. And their dream of pursuing higher academics stayed incomplete. By keeping this in mind the government has created a new scholarship scheme known as Mizoram Scholarship. Under this scheme, various educational opportunities will be provided to the needy and the poor students of the state. The main objective of this scheme is to provide educational opportunities so that the Student of the state will be able to pursue higher education without thinking about any financial hurdle

List Of Mizoram Scholarship

The various types of scholarships will be provided to the students of the state under the Mizoram Scholarships Scheme. Such scholarships are mentioned below

Types Of ScholarshipProvider Names
Pre Matric Scholarship for SC ST OBC MinoritySocial Welfare Department Government of Mizoram
Post matric scholarship for SC ST OBC MinoritySocial Welfare Department Government of Mizoram
Merit Cum Means Scholarship for SC ST OBC minoritySocial Welfare Department Government of Mizoram
Rajiv Gandhi National Fellowship for SC STUGC
INSPIRE ScholarshipDepartment of Science and Technology Government of India
Maulana Azad National Fellowship for MinorityUGC
NEC Merit ScholarshipMizoram Scholarship Board, Government of Mizoram

Application Period Of Mizoram Scholarship

The application periods for the various scholarship that is available under Mizoram Scholarships are given below

Types Of ScholarshipApplication Periods
Pre Matric Scholarship for SC ST OBC MinorityApril-June
Post matric scholarship for SC ST OBC MinorityApril-June  
Merit Cum Means Scholarship for SC ST OBC minorityApril-June  
Rajiv Gandhi National Fellowship for SC STSeptember-November
UGC NET JRFSeptember-December
INSPIRE ScholarshipOctober-December
Maulana Azad National Fellowship for minoritySeptember-December
CSIR JRFOctober-December
NEC Merit ScholarshipJune-August
Note: Visit the Official Website of NSP to check the current dates of the scholarships. 

Awards Under Mizoram Scholarship

Types Of ScholarshipRewards Available
Pre Matric Scholarship for SC ST OBC MinorityTotal of 5 lakhs scholarships are available for the students The admission fees are up to Rs. 70,000 will be paid for classes I to XII The tuition fees up to Rs. 10,000 will be paid for classes I to XII The student pursuing the courses like UG and PG will get admission and tuition fees up to Rs. 3,000 per annum And Rs. 350 per month will be given as the maintenance allowance.
Post matric scholarship for SC ST OBC MinorityAround 30 lacs scholarships are available for the student. The admission fees are up to Rs. 500 and tuition fees up to rupees Rs. 350 for the class VI to X The maintenance allowance of Rs. 600 per month will be provided to the students The maintenance allowance of Rs. 100 per month will be given to the student
Merit Cum Means Scholarship for SC ST OBC minorityAround 50,000 scholarships are available for the student’s Rs. 20,000 per annum will be provided as a scholarship to the student Rs. 1000 will be provided to the student as a maintenance allowance.
Rajiv Gandhi National Fellowship for SC ST2000 scholarships are available for SC Students and 667 scholarships are available for ST Students The selected student will get the fellowship of Rs. 16,000 for the first two years and Rs. 18,000 for the rest of the tenure Rs. 10,000 will be given as the contingency grant for 2 years and Rs. 20,500 for the remaining period in humanity and Social sciences
UGC NET JRFThe selected student under JRF and SRF will get a stipend up to Rs. 12,000 and Rs. 14,000 Rs. 10,000 will be provided to the student as a contingency grant for JRF Rs. 20,500 will be provided to the student as a contingency grant for SRF HRA, Medical Facilities, and Academic leaves will also be given to the students
INSPIRE ScholarshipAround 12000 scholarships are available for the students. The selected candidates will be rewarded with Rs. 80,000 per annum and Rs. 20,000 per annum for summer research project Rs. 5,000 will be provided to the student as a monthly scholarship
Maulana Azad National Fellowship for minorityAround 1,000 scholarships are available for the student. Rs. 25,000 will be provided to the student as a scholarship for JRF Rs. 28,000 will be provided to the student as a scholarship for SRF The contingency grant of up to Rs. 10,000 will be provided for JRF and Rs. 12,000 will be provided for SRF The Other benefits that include HRA medical academic leaves will be awarded to the selected candidates
CSIR JRFThe selected students will be rewarded with Rs. 25,000 as a monthly stipend for 2 years Rs. 28,000 will be awarded to the students for the rest of the tenure Rs. 20,000 will be given to the students as contingency grants.
NEC Merit ScholarshipRs. 1500 will be rewarded as a stipend Rs. 3,000 will be given to the student as a book grant
Eligibility Criteria

The following eligibility criteria are required to avail of the benefit under Mizoram Scholarship

Types Of ScholarshipEligibility Criteria
Pre Matric Scholarship for SC ST OBC MinorityAn applicant must be a permanent resident of Mizoram The candidate must belong to the category of SC ST OBC Minority The candidate must have scored at least 50% of marks in their last examination. The annual income should not exceed more than Rs. 1 lakh 30% of this scholarship is reserved for girls candidate
Post matric scholarship for SC ST OBC MinorityAn applicant must be a permanent resident of Mizoram The candidate must belong to the category of SC ST OBC Minority The candidate must have scored at least 50% of marks in their last examination. The annual income should not exceed more than Rs. 2 lakh 30% of this scholarship is reserved for girls candidate
Merit Cum Means Scholarship for SC ST OBC minorityThe applicant must be a permanent resident of Mizoram The candidate must belong from the category of SC ST OBC Minority The candidate must have scored at least 50% of marks in their last examination. The annual income of the applicant should not exceed more than Rs. 2.5 lakh 30% of this scholarship is reserved for girls candidate
Rajiv Gandhi National Fellowship for SC STAn applicant must belong to the SC-ST category They must have passed the last examination with graduation The candidate must have registered themselves in M. Phill and Ph.D. degree The student pursuing the courses like Social Sciences, Humanities, Sciences, Engineering, and Technologies are eligible to apply
UGC NET JRFAn applicant must have aged up to 30 years and above They must have completed their master’s degree The student must have scored at least 55% off marks in the last examination for general and 50% marks for SC ST OBC PWD candidates
INSPIRE ScholarshipThe student should have an age of 17 to 22 years The student must have top in class 12th examination The candidates must have enrolled themselves in natural or basic science at BSc or MSc level The applicants who have scored their rank under 10000 in AIEEE exam are eligible to apply. Students who have applied for IISER, NISER, DAE- CBS, and KVPY who are pursuing BSc and MSc in Natural Sciences are eligible to apply
Maulana Azad National Fellowship for minorityThe candidate must have passed CBSE/NTA-UGC-NET/ CSIR-NET exams to be eligible to apply An applicant was belong to the minority community. She must have to register themselves in M. Phill and Ph.D. courses Annual income should not exceed more than Rs. 6 lakhs per annum The applicant must have scored at least 55% at the postgraduate level 30% of the total scholarship is available for the girls’ candidate
CSIR JRFApplicants pursuing BS-4/ B. Tech/ B. Pharma/ MBBS are eligible to apply The candidate must enroll themselves in MS-PHD program He/ She must have scored at least 55% off marks in general and 50% off marks in SC ST OBC The applicant must having age between 28 years and above
NEC Merit ScholarshipThe candidates who belong to economically backward categories are eligible to apply Demis 15 at least 70% off marks in their last examination for general and 60% off marks in their last examination for SC ST candidate He/ She must be pursuing the courses like Diploma, Degree, PG, M. Phill, and Ph.D. level The annual income should not exceed more than Rs. 4.5 lakhs
Mizoram Scholarship Important Documents

The following documents are required to avail of the benefit under Mizoram Scholarship

  • Aadhar card
  • Residence certificate
  • Bank account details
  • Last exams qualifying mark sheet
  • Passport size photograph
  • Mobile number

Process To Apply For Scholarship

All the interested applicants who want to apply under Mizoram Scholarship will have to follow the procedure given below

Through National Scholarship Portal

Mizoram Scholarship
Mizoram Scholarship Official Website
  • On the homepage, click on the option of New Registration
  • A new web page will be displayed in front of you.
NSP register
New Registration
  • Here, you have to read all the terms and conditions carefully.
  • After reading all the guidelines, tick marks the following.
  • Now click on the Continue option
  • The registration form will appear in front of you
  • You have to enter all the details that are asked in the forms such as
    • State
    • Scholarship category
    • Name of the student
    • Scheme type
    • Gender
    • Mobile number
    • Email ID
    • Bank IFSC code
    • Bank account number
    • Identification details
  • After that, the OTP will be sent to your mobile number
  • Enter the OTP and click on the Register option
  • Through this, you can easily apply for Mizoram Scholarship

Through UGC Portal

  • First, visit the Official Website of the University Grant Commission
  • The home page will appear in front of you.
  • On the homepage, click on the option of Apply For Scholarship
  • The registration form will appear in front of you.
  • Enter all the details that are asked in the form
  • Now attach all your important documents
  • After attaching the documents click on Submit option
  • Through this, you can easily apply for Mizoram Scholarship

Through Department Of Science & Technology

  • First, visit the Official Website of the Department of Science and Technology
  • You will land on the homepage.
  • On the homepage look under the section of Announcement
  • Here you will get the list of scholarships
  • Choose the scholarship according to your requirement.
  • The registration form will appear in front of
  • Enter all the important details that are asked in the form
  • Now attach all your important documents
  • After attaching the documents click on Submit option
  • Through this, you can easily apply for Mizoram Scholarship

Fresh Login

  • First, visit the Official Website of the National Scholarship Portal
  • The home page will appear in front of you.
  • On the homepage, click on the option of Fresh Login along with the login year.
  • A new web page will be displayed in front of you.
Fresh Login
Fresh Login
  • Enter the applciant id and password.
  • Now click on the Login option.
Mizoram Scholarship Renewal
  • First, visit the Official Website of the National Scholarship Portal
  • The home page will appear in front of you.
  • On the homepage, click on the option of Renewal Login along with the login year.
  • A new web page will be displayed in front of you.
  • Enter the applciant id and password.
Scholarship Renewal
Renewal Login
  • Now click on the Login option.
  • Now a scholarship renewal form will open.
  • Enter the renewal details in the application form.
Check Beneficiary List
  • First, visit the Official Website of the National Scholarship Portal
  • The home page will appear in front of you.
  • On the homepage, click on the option of Registration
  • A new web page will be displayed in front of you.
  • Now click on the Scheme Wise Scholarship Sanctioned List option.
  • A new page will be displayed.
Beneficiary List
Scholarship Sanctioned List
  • Enter the details in the application form.
  • Now click on the Submit option.
Contact Details
  • E-Mail: Helpdesk[at]nsp[dot]gov[dot]in
  • Phone No: 0120-6619540
Mizoram Scholarship 2025 FAQs
What is the Mizoram Scholarship 2025?

The Mizoram scholarship is a scholarship scheme that provides financial help to student who is unable to complete their education due to weak financial condition

What are the benefits of the Mizoram Scholarship?

Applicants will get benefit according to their classes under this scheme

What is the last date of the Mizoram scholarship to apply?

The last date to apply under this scholarship will be declared soon.

How to apply for this Mizoram scholarship?

Applicants can apply under this scheme after visiting https://scholarships.gov.in/.

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