IIT Bombay Scholarship 2025: Apply Online, Eligibility & Last Date

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There are undergraduate and also postgraduate scholarship opportunities available for the students who want to be a part of prestigious educational opportunities and want to start their career by taking into account post-graduation opportunities present at IIT Bombay. You can check out the details related to the IIT Bombay scholarship 2025 from the article provided below and we will also share with you all the specifications related to the eligibility criteria and also the step-by-step procedure to apply online for the scholarship program.

IIT Bombay Scholarship
IIT Bombay Scholarship

What Is IIT Bombay Scholarship 2025?

There are a lot of different types of scholarship opportunities provided by IIT Bombay and these types of scholarship opportunities will be helping the students to get proper opportunities so that they can continue their education despite the fact that they do not have good financial resources in order to complete their studies in a very prestigious University like IIT Bombay Scholarship. Bombay is a very costly city and that’s why the education is also really costly so you can take into account your financial abilities and then you will be able to start your career in order to become a successful person. You can start applying for the scholarship opportunities on the 21st of July.

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Important Dates

S. NoParametersDate
For the Academic years 2025
1Issuance of office memorandum for scholarship21st July 2022 Thursday During Orientation
2Opening of scholarship portal16th August 2013 Tuesday, the third Monday of August (The next working day in case of holiday)
3Closing of scholarship portal29th September 2022 Thursday midnight, that is 45 days including the date of opening of the portal.
4ScrutinizationBy November 1st week that is by 4 5 weeks after the date of closing of the scholarship portal.
5Scholarship committee meetingAny day from 11th November 2022 Friday to 21st November 2022 Monday that is during end semester week.
For spring semesters 2025
6Issuance of office memorandum for scholarship and opening of the portal26th December 2022 Monday, the first day of registration
7Closing of scholarship portal24th January 2022 Tuesday midnight that is 30 days after the opening of the portal
8ScrutinizationBy 4th week of February 2023 is 4-5 weeks after the date of closing of the scholarship portal
9Scholarship committee meetingAny date from 15th April 2023 Saturday to 25th April 2923 Tuesday during end semester week.

List of Scholarships

You can check out the details related to these scholarship opportunities provided by IIT Bombay from the tables provided below and you will also be able to see the eligibility criteria and the benefits available:-

  • Private Ph.D. Scholarships
Sr.NoName of FellowshipDegreeThe amount payable to each studentSelection Procedure
1SJM School of Management Endowment ScholarshipPh.D.Rs. 28,000/- p.m. for the first two years with the provision of enhancement to Rs. 31,000/- p.m. based on the assessment of the recommendation of the RPC. The increase in Endowment Fellowship is effective from July 2010. The Scholarships will be awarded on the academic performance which will be determined on the basis of CPI/Progress Seminar performance. The Scholarships are renewable every year. The sponsored candidate will not be eligible for the scholarship. Payable for a period of 5 years or until the submission of synopsis & thesis whichever is earlier.As per Institute procedures
2IITB Monash ScholarshipPh.D.Ist 2 Yr. Rs. 35,000 p.m. next 3 Yr. Rs. 39,000 p.m.
3EATON Technologies Pvt. Ltd.Ph.D.Rs. 30.000/- p.m. for first two years, next two years Rs. 35,000/- p.m. Plus Rs. 1,50000/- for attending one national/international conference period for a maximum of four years.Selection through Department.
4SERB (Purdue Visiting Doctoral Fellowship (for 12 months))Ph.D.USD 2000 p.m. + one time contingency grant Rs. 60,000 + onward journey fairSelection through Department.
  • Private MTech Scholarships
Sr.NoName of FellowshipDegreeThe amount payable to each studentSelection Procedure
1Forbes MarshallM.TechRs. 20,000/- p.m.Plus Reimbursement of Tuition Fees paid by students every semester. Plus Contingencies of Rs. 15,000/- during the course towards TA/DA, Report preparation, etc.Tuition Fee 5,000/- per semesterThrough Energy Systems & Engg.Deptt.& Forbes Marshalls. Based on interviews of the students at the beginning of 1st Semester.
2Dr. Gargi Vishnoi Memorial Scholarship (Only for Biosciences and Bioengineering Department)M.TechRs. 2,000/- p.m. addition to TASelection through the Department
  • Government Ph.D. Scholarships
Sr.NoName of FellowshipDegreeThe amount payable to each studentSelection Procedure
1NBHM (National Board of Higher Mathematics)Ph.D.Rs. 31,000/- p.m. after 2 years, Rs. 35,000 , Contingency grant Rs. 20,000/- p.a.Selection through NBHM directly
2DBT-JRFDBT-SRF(Department of Biotechnology Jr. research Fellowship)Ph.D.Rs. 31,000/- p.m. First 2 Yrs.Rs. 35,000/- p.m. next 3 Yrs.Plus Contingency Allowance Rs. 30,000/- p.a.,He will be entitled to HRA.Selection through DBT-JRF in Pune
3DST-INSPIREPh.D.Rs. 31,000/- p.m, for M.Sc./BE./B.Tech./ME./M.Tech. students for 2 years (JRF), next 3 years Rs. 35,000/-p.m. Plus Contingency Rs. 20,000/per year.Direct selection through DST-INSPIRE
4ICMR (Indian Council of Medical Research)Ph.D.Rs. 31,000/- p.m. for the first two years.Rs. 35,000/- p.m. next three yearsPlus Contingency, Rs. 20,000/-p.year.Direct selection through ICMR
  • Government MTech Scholarships
Sr.NoName of FellowshipDegreeThe amount payable to each studentSelection Procedure
1DAE (DGFS) (BRNS) (Board of Research in Nuclear Sciences)M.TechRs. 35,000/- p.m., Plus Reimbursement of Tuition Fees paid by students every semester. Plus Education Material Allowance of Rs. 5000/-(one-time payment during the entire program). Plus Contingency expenditure of Rs. 25,000/- to each student. Book Allowance Rs. 10,000/-.Selection through DAE consent in BARC beginning of 1st Semester
2AERB (Atomic Energy Regulatory Board)M.TechRs. 35,000/- p.m., Plus reimbursement of total fees paid by the students at the time of admission (one-time payment), Plus reimbursement of tuition fee every semester, Plus Book allowance of Rs. 5000/- once during the courseSelection through Energy & AERB Consent is based on an interview of the students at the beginning of 1st Semester
3MERC (Maharashtra Electricity Regulatory Commission)M.Tech.Rs. 8,000/- p.m., Plus Tuition fees Rs, 5,000/- per semester, Plus TA/DA, Report preparation, Contingency during the Course Rs.15,000/- Plus 15% of the total for Consumables, miscellaneous and Contingency Plus DDF.Selected through the Normal selection and Admission Procedure of IITB.
4MPCB (Maharashtra Pollution Control Board)M.Tech.Rs. 8,000/- p.m.Selected through the Department.
  • Institute Merit Cum Means Scholarship
Income LimitBenefitsMeans Criteria
Income up to Rupees 100000Exemption from payment of Tuition fee.Scholarship of Rs. 40,000/­ per yearThe parental income is the basis for the ‘means’ criterion of the scholarship. At present students whose parents’ annual gross income from all sources for the previous Financial year does not exceed.  5,00,000/,  are eligible to apply for Merit­cum­Means  Scholarship.  When a  student applies for the scholarship, a copy of the Income Certificate issued by the Revenue Officer, not below the rank of Tehsildar or the Income Tax Return (ITR) of parents for the preceding year is required to be submitted with the application for the scholarship every year. 
Income above Rupees 1 lakh up to 3 lakhExemption from payment of Tuition fee.Scholarship of Rs. 30,000/­ per year
Income above Rupees 3 lakh up to 5 lakhExemption from payment of Tuition fee.Scholarship of Rs. 20,000/­ per year
  • Free Messing Facilities
Income LimitBenefits Criteria 
Income after Rupees 5 lakhExemption from payment of Tuition fee.• Free messing facility (basic menu).• Pocket allowance @Rs. 500/­per month.• Exemption from payment of hostel room rent.The parental income is the basis for the means criterion of the scholarship. At present, students whose parent’s annual gross income from all sources for the previous Financial year does not exceed Rs. 5,00,000/are eligible to apply for the above facilities.   When a student applies for the scholarship, a copy of the Income Certificate issued by the Revenue Officer, not below the rank of Tehsildar or the Income Tax Return (ITR) of parents for the preceding year is required to be submitted with the application for the scholarship every year. 
  • M.Sc- Ph.D. (Dual Degree) Scholarships 
Sr.NoTA CategoryRates
1M.Sc- Ph.D. (Dual Degree)First 04 Semester: Rs. 6,000/- p.m.5th to 8th Semester: Rs. 31,000/- p.m.9th to 14th Semester: Rs. 35,000/- p.m.
  • Private Named Scholarships 
Benefits Merit CriterionMeans Criterion
The benefits are available for the standard duration of the program on registration and satisfactory performance. For new entrants of M.Sc., their JAM Rank will be the criterion. In subsequent years, the criterion will be their academic performance during the preceding academic yearThe parental income is the basis for the ‘means’ criterion of the scholarship. At present students whose parent’s annual gross income from all sources for the previous Financial year does not exceed Rs. 5,00,000/, are eligible to apply for Merit­cum­Means Scholarship. When a student applies for the scholarship, a copy of the Income Certificate issued by the Revenue Officer, not below the rank of Tehsildar or the Income Tax Return (ITR) of parents for the preceding year is required to be submitted with the application for the scholarship every year.
  • Government MSc Scholarship
Sr.NoName of FellowshipDegreeThe amount payable to each studentSelection Procedure
1NBHM (National Board of Higher Mathematics)M.ScRs. 6,000/- p.m.Selection through NBHM directly
2DBT ScholarshipM.ScRs. 5000/- p.m.Selection through the Department of Biotechnology
  • UG Institute Merit Cum Means Scholarship
Income LimitWomenOthersCriteria
Income up to Rupees 100000Exemption from payment of Tuition fee.Scholarship of Rs. 40,000/­ per year women merit scholarship of Rupees 10000 per yearIncome up to Rupees 100000Merit Criterion: For new entrants of B.Tech., Dual Degree (B.Tech. + M.Tech.), B.S. their JEE AIR and for B.Des. their UCEED Rank, will be the criterion. In subsequent years, the criterion will be their academic performance during the preceding academic year. Means Criterion: The parental income is the basis for the ‘means’ criterion of the scholarship. At present students whose parents’ annual gross income from all sources for the previous Financial year does not exceed. 5,00,000/, are eligible to apply for Merit­cum­Means Scholarship. When a student applies for the scholarship, a copy of the Income Certificate issued by the Revenue Officer, not below the rank of Tehsildar or the Income Tax Return (ITR) of parents for the preceding year is required to be submitted with the application for the scholarship every year. 
Income is above Rupees 1 lakh up to 3 lakhExemption from payment of Tuition fee.Scholarship of Rs. 30,000/­ per year women merit scholarship of Rupees 10000 per yearIncome above Rupees 1 lakh up to 3 lakh
Income above Rupees 3 lakh up to 5 lakhExemption from payment of Tuition fee.Scholarship of Rs. 20,000/­ per year women merit scholarships of Rupees 10000 per yearIncome above Rupees 3 lakh up to 5 lakh
  • UG Free Messing Facilities
Income LimitWomen Benefits Benefits Criteria 
Income after Rupees 5 lakhExemption from payment of Tuition fee.• Free messing facility (basic menu).• Pocket allowance @Rs. 500/­per month.• Exemption from payment of hostel room rent. Women merit scholarship of Rupees 10000 per yearExemption from payment of Tuition fee.• Free messing facility (basic menu).• Pocket allowance @Rs. 500/­per month.• Exemption from payment of hostel room rent.The parental income is the basis for the means criterion of the scholarship. At present, students whose parent’s annual gross income from all sources for the previous Financial year does not exceed Rs. 5,00,000/are eligible to apply for the above facilities.   When a student applies for the scholarship, a copy of the Income certificate issued by the Revenue Officer, not below the rank of Tehsildar or the Income Tax Return (ITR) of parents for the preceding year is required to be submitted with the application for the scholarship every year. 
  • UG Private Named Scholarship
Benefits Merit CriterionMeans Criterion
The benefits are available for the standard duration of the program on registration and satisfactory performance. For new entrants of B.Tech., Dual Degree (B.Tech. + M.Tech.), B.S. their JEE AIR and for B.Des. their UCEED Rank, will be the criterion. In subsequent years, the criterion will be their academic performance during the preceding academic year.
The parental income is the basis for the ‘means’ criterion of the scholarship. At present students whose parent’s annual gross income from all sources for the previous Financial year does not exceed Rs. 5,00,000/, are eligible to apply for Merit­cum­Means Scholarship. When a student applies for the scholarship, a copy of the Income Certificate issued by the Revenue Officer, not below the rank of Tehsildar or the Income Tax Return (ITR) of parents for the preceding year is required to be submitted with the application for the scholarship every year.

IIT Bombay Scholarship 2025 Application Process

The applicant must follow the following application procedure to apply for these scholarships:-

  • The applicant must first take admitted to IIT Bombay.
  • The applicant must visit the admission office and then fill out the application form for this scholarship that they want to apply for.
  • You will be provided with the details related to the scholarship from the official officers in charge.
  • You will be provided scholarship opportunities after you have successfully submitted the application form. 

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