ICANN Fellowship 2023: Apply Online, Check Eligibility and Reward Details

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A new fellowship program has been created by the organization of ICANN. This fellowship program will provide proper opportunities for people coming from different types of backgrounds and all of the people will be able to come forward and launch new career opportunities for themselves through the development of this Fellowship. ICANN Fellowship will also provide experience to the people so that they can continue this prestigious career. You can check out the information related to the fellowship from the article provided below and we will also share with you all the eligibility criteria that you need to follow in order to apply for the fellowship.

ICANN Fellowship
What is ICANN Fellowship

About ICANN Fellowship

The ICANN fellowship program was created in order to provide diversity for the different types of opportunities available in the organization. Through the development of this scholarship presented by the organization people from different types of backgrounds will be able to segregate in one place and they will be able to get a lot of opportunities so that they can become an integral part of society. The people will be coming from different types of backgrounds from all around the world and they will be able to fit in through the development of the fellowship program engaged by the organization. This is a program that will help in the development of career opportunities for all of the students coming from all around the world.

Also Check: Rajiv Gandhi National Fellowship 

Important Dates Under ICANN Fellowship

ICANN MeetingICANN RegionMeeting DatesOpening of application roundClosing of application roundAnnouncement of selected Fellows
ICANN76 Community Forum in Cancun, MexicoLatin America and the Caribbean11-16 March 2023ClosedClosed7 November 2022 at 23:59 UTC
ICANN77 Policy Forum in Washington, D.C., USA *North America12-15 June 202315 November 2022 at 23:59 UTC15 December 2022 at 23:59 UTC17 February 2023 at 23:59 UTC
ICANN78 Annual General Meeting in Hamburg, GermanyEurope21-26 October 20231 March 2023 at 23:59 UTC31 March 2023 at 23:59 UTC24 June 2023 at 23:59 UTC

Eligibility Criteria

The applicant must follow the following eligibility criteria in order to successfully apply for this fellowship program:-

  • Candidates from all regions and sectors are welcome to apply to the ICANN Fellowship Program.
  • Participants of the Fellowship Program must:
    • Be at least 21 years of ageBe interested in, or already engaged in, the various components of ICANN’s work in policy building, the operation of the Domain Name System and the security and stability of the global InternetComplete mandatory ICANN Learn course(s)NOT be involved in or associated with other ICANN-supported travel programs at the time of selectionPolicy Forum applicants must have successfully completed an ICANN FellowshipHave previously received no more than two fellowships; second and third-time fellows must prove their involvement and engagement in one of the ICANN communities (learn more here)Returning fellows will be considered for the Tarek Kamel Fellowship Recognition. The award recognizes the outstanding contributions of fellows in furthering ICANN’s capacity development efforts in their respective regions. Learn more here.
    • A selected Fellow, who lives or works in the African region with technical background will be considered for Paul Muchene Fellow Award. The Paul Muchene Fellow Award is a tribute to Paul Muchene, an ICANN Fellowship Program participant and ICANN organization staff member who passed away in August 2022.

Requirements For The Scheme

The applicants who are participating in the fellowship program must follow the following duties in order to successfully get a chance to complete the program:-

  • Engage in Fellowship Program Mentoring processes
  • Complete additional required ICANN Learn courses
  • Attend the ICANN Public Meeting and required activities, including but not limited to ICANN Fellowship sessions during the ICANN Meeting
  • Network and interact with program alumni and community members
  • Complete the post-meeting survey
  • Participants are encouraged to actively contribute to ICANN policy development processes and Fellowship alumni network upon completion of the Fellowship Program.

Application Scoring Criteria

The following areas will be kept in mind while preparing for the selection of the candidates in this prestigious fellowship program:-

Selection Criteria AreasFirst-time fellowReturning fellow
ICANN Knowledge & Engagement2040
Potential for Future Engagement2010
Total Score100100

ICANN Fellowship Selection Procedure

The candidates will be selected for the fellowship program by following the selection procedure mentioned in the table provided below:-

Selection CriteriaFirst-time fellowReturning fellow
Diversity(30 points)(30 points)
Applicant expresses financial hardship.1010
Applicant has tried to receive financial support through other means to attend the meeting but has been unsuccessful in receiving all or part of the funds.22
Applicant states that they are a member of an underserved, underrepresented or indigenous community88
Applicant represents at least one aspect of the diversity profile on the target list of relevant SO/AC.1010
Experience(30 points)(20 points)
Applicant is involved professionally or academically in a sector relevant to ICANN’s work, mission and remit.105
Applicant’s skills and expertise are on the target list of relevant SO/ACs.1010
Applicant demonstrates experience related to Internet issues that reflect ICANN regional strategies, current work in ICANN or global Internet governance.105
ICANN Knowledge & Engagement(20 points)(40 points)
The applicant shows good understanding of ICANN’s mission and its role in the Internet ecosystem.55
An applicant has completed ICANN Learn courses and/or other ICANN-related capacity development activities in the past 18 months.55
The applicant has participated (remotely or in-person) in ICANN global and/or regional events or webinars in the past 18 months — if Alumni, excludes previous fellowships.55
A new applicant has participated in ICANN’s policy development processes or ICANN-related work (e.g. reviews, volunteering at regional events, etc).5
An applicant is currently a working member of an ICANN SO/AC/SG or Constituency and provides valuable contributions.10
Applicant has provided significant input to Public Comments in the past 18 months.5
The applicant has provided other contributions to ICANN in the past 18 months (e.g., participation in a review team, volunteering at regional events; writing about ICANN-related topics and events; mentoring newcomers, etc.)10
Potential for Future Engagement(20 points)(10 points)
Applicant shows potential be an active contributor to the ICANN community in specific areas (regional engagement, policy development work, collaboration among stakeholders, etc).2010

ICANN Fellowship Application Process

If you want to apply for the fellowship program then you will have to follow the simple procedure given below:-

  • You will first have to visit the ICANN website of the organization by clicking on the link given here
  • The details related to the fellowship program will open on your screen.
  • You have to go to the important links section.
  • Click on the option called Apply To The Fellowship Program and a new page with the application form will open on your screen.
ICANN Fellowship Application Form
Online Application Procedure
  • You have to log in with your account by using your details.
  • Enter the specific information and successfully apply for the fellowship program.
  • Make sure to upload all of the documents in order to be eligible.

FAQs Under ICANN Fellowship 2023

Can I submit my application in any language?

The online application form must be written in English only. If English is not your first language, you are encouraged to translate your responses into English for the application. The Selection Committee members come from different countries around the world, and English is their common language.

Am I eligible to apply for a fellowship for a Policy Forum meeting?

Policy Forum meetings are open to Fellowship Program alumni only; this means that only those who have successfully participated in the Fellowship Program at least once are eligible to apply. If you have previously participated in an ICANN meeting but have not been a fellow, you are not eligible to apply.

Which ICANN Learn Courses are required?

If you are a first-time fellow, you must complete 102 Introduction to ICANN. This course is available in English (102.1), Spanish (102.2), French (102.3), Arabic (102.4), Russian (102.5), Chinese (102.6), and Portuguese (102.7).

Which ICANN Learn Courses are required for the second time?

If you are applying for a second or third fellowship, you must complete 201.1 Digital Trade and Global Internet Governance. Your course completion certificate is a required element of the application system and must be uploaded within the application.

How will I know if I received a fellowship?

All successful candidates are announced on the ICANN website, approximately four months before the meeting. Successful candidates also receive a follow-up email and should accept the fellowship within a week. If a candidate does not accept the fellowship, a pre-established list of alternates will be used to fill the vacated position.

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