Bose Einstein Scholarship Test BEST 2023: Registration, Exam Date, Syllabus

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The Bose Einstein Scholarship Test is conducted for students from class 5th to 12th and Graduation level. “Mathematics is the language in which God has written the universe”. To encourage and gain excellence in Mathematics JMMC Research Foundation is organizing a Math Talent Search examination Bose Einstein Scholarship Test 2023 for all Indian students in Association with international research Scholars and mentors who are established persons in many globally recognized universities and Research organizations, viz. LEED University, Berlin University, Oklahoma University. The student selected for the scholarship will get exposure to seminars workshops and Research-based projects wards scholarship has a duration of 12 months. On the basis of the result in this examination, the participants will receive rewards. 

Bose Einstein Scholarship Test BEST 2022
Bose Einstein Scholarship Test

Also Read: Allen Scholarship Test

Highlights Of Test

Organized byJMMC
Name of ScholarshipBose-Einstein Scholarship Test
Eligibility CriteriaStudents from class 5th to 12th & Graduation level
RewardsINR 3,000/-
Application Deadline1stbJanuary 2022
Official websiteBose Einstein

Objective of Bose Einstein Scholarship Test

“Mathematics is the language in which God has written the universe”.

The main motive to launch the Bose Einstein Scholarship Test 2022 is to encourage and gain excellence in mathematics for the students from class 5th to 12th and graduation level. JMMC launched the scholarship test in Association with international research Scholars and mentors who established persons in many globally recognized universities and research organizations.

Syllabus for Bose Einstein Scholarship Test

Syllabus for Pre- foundation Level ( Class -V)

1. Number System 

2. Arithmetic 

3. Mensuration 

4. Plane Geometry 

5. Quantitative Aptitude & Logical Reasoning 

6. Set Theory 

7. Basic Algebraic Formula 

Syllabus for Pre- foundation Level ( Class -VI)

1. Number System 

2. Set Theory 

3. Surds & Indices 

4. Arithmetic 

5. Mensuration 

6. Plane Geometry 

7. Basic Algebraic Formula 

8. Quantitative Aptitude & Logical Reasoning 

9. Transformation Geometry 

Syllabus for Foundation Level ( Class -VII)

1. Number Theory 

2. Equations & Inequalities 

3. Surds & Indices 

4. Arithmetic 

5. Mensuration 

6. Plane Geometry 

7. Logarithm

8. Quantitative Aptitude & 

Logical Reasoning

9. Transformation Geometry 

Syllabus for Foundation Level ( Class -VIII)

1. Number Theory 

2. Equations & Inequalities 

3. Surds & Indices 

4. Arithmetic 

5. Mensuration 

6. Plane Geometry 

7. Logarithm 

8. Quantitative Aptitude & Logical Reasoning 

9. Transformation Geometry 

10. Set Theory 

Syllabus for Intermediate Level ( Class -IX))

1. Number Theory 

2. Theory of Equation 

3. Polynomials 

4. Mathematical Induction 

5. Inequality 

6. Logarithm 

7. Plane Geometry 

8. Quantitative Aptitude & Logical Reasoning 

9. Mensuration 

10. Set Theory 

11. Arithmetic 

12. Trigonometry & Its applications 

13. Transformation Geometry

Syllabus for Intermediate Level ( Class -X)

1. Number Theory 

2. Theory of Equation 

3. Polynomials 

4. Mathematical Induction 

5. Inequality 

6. Logarithm 

7. Progressions 

8. Plane Geometry 

9. Quantitative Aptitude & Logical Reasoning 

10. Mensuration 

11. Set Theory 

12. Arithmetic 

13. Trigonometry & Its applications 

14. Transformation Geometry 

Syllabus for Upper Intermediate Level (Class -XI)

1. Number Theory 

2. Polynomials 

3. Theory of Equations 

4. Inequality 

5. Mathematical Induction 

6. Complex Numbers 

7. Set Theory 

8. Relation 

9. Mapping 

10. Series & Sequence 

11. Logarithm 

12. Determinants 

13. Trigonometry 

14. Plane Geometry 

15. 2 Dimensional Coordinate Geometry 

16. Calculus in one variable

17. Probability 

18. Vectors 

19. Permutation & Combinations 

20. Binomial Theorem 

21. Statistics 

22. Dynamics 

23. Transformation Geometry 

Syllabus for Upper Intermediate Level (Class -XII)

1. Number Theory 

2. Polynomials 

3. Theory of Equations 

4. Inequality 

5. Mathematical Induction 

6. Complex Numbers 

7. Set Theory 

8. Relation 

9. Mapping 

10. Binary Operation 

11. Series & Sequence 

12. Logarithm 

13. Matrices 

14. Determinants 

15. Trigonometry 

16. Plane Geometry 

17. 2 Dimensional Coordinate Geometry 

18. 3 Dimensional Coordinate Geometry 

19. Calculus in one variable and its applications 

20. Probability & its distributions 

21. Vectors 

22. Permutation & Combinations 

23. Binomial Theorem 

24. Boolean Algebra 

25. Statistics 

26. Statics

27. Dynamics 

28. Transformation Geometry 

Syllabus for Major Level (Graduation Class)

1. Classical Algebra 

2. Linear Algebra 

3. Abstract Algebra 

4. Boolean Algebra 

5. Plane Geometry 

6. 2-Dimensional Coordinate Geometry 

7. 3-Dimensional Coordinate Geometry 

8. Transformation Geometry 

9. Riemann Geometry 

10. Calculus in one variable and its applications 

11. Several variable calculi and their applications 

12. Real Analysis 

13. Complex Analysis 

14. Functional Analysis 

15. Fourier Analysis 

16. Probability-Statistics 

17. Fuzzy Set 

18. Set Topology 

19. Statics 

20. Particle & Rigid Dynamics 

21. Fluid Mechanics 

22. Tensor Calculus 

23. Vector Analysis

24. Astronomy 

25. Graph Theory 

26. Metric Spaces 

27. Set Topology

Bose Einstein Scholarship Test Reward

  • Bose-Einstein Scholarship will provide an amount of INR 3000/- per month to the Scholars.
  • The scholarship amount will be INR 2000 per month and a one-time book grant of INR 3000.
  • They will also receive exposure to seminars, workshops, projects, research-based project works, etc.

BEST Eligibility Criteria

  • Students of classes 7th and class 8th can apply for the foundation level.
  • The Students of class 9th and class 10th can apply for an intermediate level.
  • Students of class 11th and class 12th can apply for an upper-intermediate level.
  • For a major level, a candidate must be pursuing studies at the undergraduate level.
Bose-Einstein Scholarship Test Selection Procedure

It is a 3-step selection process. The test will be held in Kolkata.

  • The first stage is BEST-MTA (12 noon – 1 p.m.). The Multiple Choice Questions(MCQ) type questions will be asked in the exam. The exam will contain 10 questions on Mathematics.
  • The second stage is BEST-MTB (1:30 p.m. – 2:30 p.m.). The question paper comprises subjective type questions. It contains 4 questions on Mathematics.
  • The interview is the third process of selection. Students selected for the test will be called for an interview.
Bose-Einstein Scholarship Test Important Dates

Bose-Einstein Scholarship Test 2022 application form has been available since 31 Aug 2021. Check below all the important dates of this scholarship:

  • Application deadline – 1st January 2022
  • Exam date – 31st January 2022
  • Declaration of merit list – 5th March 2022
  • Interview held on – 12th April 2022
  • Declaration of winners – 15th September 2022

Also Read: Resonance Scholarship Test 

Application Procedure for Bose-Einstein Scholarship Test 2022

  • For online registration first, you have to visit the Bose Einstein website of JMMC Bose-Einstein Scholarship Test.
Bose Einstein Scholarship Test
Bose-Einstein Scholarship Test Official Website
  • On the homepage, you have to click on the Apply nowbutton for registration.
  • The registration page will appear on your screen where you have to enter your personal details, and educational information or upload the required documents, then click on the submit button.
  • You have to pay the amount of Rs- 600 for registration in online mode.
  • By doing these easy steps you can easily apply for the Bose-Einstein Scholarship Test.

Procedure to Apply under Bose-Einstein Scholarship Test in Offline Mode

  • The students who want to apply for the application form offline can visit the JMMC Research Foundation office in person or by sending a self-addressed envelope with a postal stamp of INR 10/-.
  • The applicants need to pay the application fees of INR 600/-. Offline applicants have to pay a fee through DD drawn in favor of JMMC Institution.
  • The completely filled application form along with the demand draught must be raised to the following address:
    • Jmmc Research Foundation B. Biswas- 333/C, Jessore Road, Kolkata- 70089

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