Bansal Classes Scholarship Test BOOST 2024: Registration Form, Exam Date

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Bansal classes are the most prestigious institution that created the Bansal Classes Scholarship Test BOOST. The founder of Bansal classes is Mr. Vinod Bansal. He made Kota famous throughout India for IIT JEE entrance exam preparation. Now the brand of Bansal Classes has opened in multiple cities like- Aligarh, Ambala, Amravati, Bathinda, Beed, Bokaro, Chandigarh, etc. Bansal classes today are synonymous for sure success at IIT JEE. In terms of number selection in IIT JEE, no Institute comes close to Bansal classes. The story begins in the year 2000, when Bansal classes started in a garage with 80 students in two batches, each batch having 40 students. The institution provides scholarships for students under the Bansal Classes Scholarship Test BOOST 2024. The article will provide you with further details related to the scholarship program as like application process, eligibility criteria, benefits, last date, etc

Bansal Classes Scholarship Test BOOST
Bansal Classes Scholarship Test BOOST

About Bansal Classes Scholarship Test BOOST 2024

BOOST (Bansal Open Opportunity and Scholarship Test) is a National level scholarship cum Real-Time aptitude testing platform for upcoming global leaders and it is a unique opportunity for the student to test their knowledge and elevate their future academy strength. Bansal Classes Jaipur announces BOOST scholarship tests for various classroom programs at Bansal classes can be avail on the basis of performance in the Scholarship cum Admission Exam to score minimum cut-off marks. The students will also get award on the basis of competitive and past academic achievement. On the basis of BOOST, students will get to know their performance which will help them know what they can achieve and bridge the gap between desire and aspiration. Students will also get suggestions to plug the loopholes so that they can plan their study schedule and improve upon their shortcomings to perform to their optimal on the competitive Entrance Exam day.

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Key Highlights Of Test

  • Name of the scheme: Bansal Classes Scholarship Test
  • Launched by: Bansal Classes
  • Launched for: 5th to 12th Class Students
  • Benefits: Fee Waiver
  • Mode of application: online
  • Official site: Bansal Classes Scholarship

BOOST Test Dates

  • The boost exam dates are 26th November, 10th December and 31st December 2023.
Eligibility Criteria for BOOST 

The Student of a class 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, and 11th(Engineering and Medical) and 12th (Engineering and Medical)

Exam Instructions

Please read the instructions in the Question Booklet before answering the question paper.

  • The question paper has 14 printed pages. Please ensure that the copy of the question paper you have received contains all pages.
  • Before starting the paper, fill up the required details in the blank space provided in the answer sheet.
  • Write your name and Seven digits Reg. the space provided at the top of this booklet.
  • The question paper consists of ’80’objective type questions. Each question carries marks and all of them are compulsory.
  • Each question contains four alternatives out of which only ONE is correct.
  • There is NO NEGATIVE marking.
  • Indicate the correct answer for each question by filling appropriate bubbles in your answer sheet.
  • The answers to the questions must be marked by shading the circle against the question with a dark Black Ballpoint Pen only.
  • For rough work, use the space provided at the bottom of each page. No extra sheet will be provided for rough work and you are not supposed to bring the same.
  • Use of blank papers, clipboards, log tables, calculators, slide rules, mobiles, or any other electronic gadgets in any form is “NOT PERMISSIBLE”.
  • You must not carry a mobile phone even if you have the same, give it to your Invigilator before the commencement of the test and take it back from him/her after the exam.
  • The Answer Sheet will be checked through the computer hence the answer to the questions must be marked by shading the circles against the question with a dark Black Ballpoint Pen only

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Online Registration Under Bansal Classes BOOST Scholarship Test

Online Registration Under Bansal Classes BOOST Scholarship Test
Bansal Classes Scholarship Test Official Website
  • The home will appear on your screen, where you have to click on the BOOST Registration tab.
  • The Registration page will open on your screen where you have to enter your details such as name, father’s name, address, School name, passport size photograph, photocopy of mark sheet etc.
  • After filling all the details correctly click on the submit button for the submission of the application form.
  • The payment will be done in online mode for the application form.

How to Apply Offline for BOOST 2024

  • To apply offline for the scholarship test, the applicant has to first fill out the online application form through the official website of the scholarship test.
  • Now after that, you have to select your payment mode as Demand Draft (DD) / Cash.
  • Download the completed application form from the website.
  • Make a demand draught of rupees 300 in favor of “Bansal Classes Pvt. Ltd.” payable at “Kota (Rajasthan)”.
  • Read the instructions carefully through the official website and also from the downloaded application form.
  • Now send the completed application form duly signed by the Student and Parent along with the Demand Draft to the following address.
  • A-11 (A), Bansal Campus,
  • Road No. 1,
  • Kota-324005 (Rajasthan).
Contact Details
  • Helpline Number: +91-9773343246, 8003045222 BFTP: 8003046222
  • Call us on: +91-8003046222
  • Email:
Bansal Classes Scholarship Test BOOST 2024 FAQs
What is Bansal Classes Scholarship Test BOOST 2024?

The Bansal Classes Scholarship Test BOOST is the scholarship test to provide various classroom on the basis of performance.

What are the benefits of Bansal Classes Scholarship Test BOOST?

The applicants will get rewards on the basis of competitive and past academic performances.

What are the exam dates under Bansal Classes Scholarship Test BOOST?

The Bansal Classes Scholarship Test BOOST exam dates are 26th November, 10th December and 31st December 2023.

How to apply under Bansal Classes Scholarship Test?

Applicants can apply under this scheme by visiting

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