AAP leader Arvind Kejriwal said on Saturday that the city’s Dalit students would be able to receive free international education through the Ambedkar scholarship, ahead of the Delhi assembly elections. In response to the BJP’s “insult” of Ambedkar, Kejriwal claimed the Dr. Ambedkar Samman Scholarship was created. Any Delhi-based Dalit student will be eligible to attend international colleges under the program. The Delhi government would cover all of their tuition, travel, and lodging expenses if they get accepted into any of these universities,” Kejriwal stated. He went on to say that children of government workers would also be eligible for the program, although he did not specify how or when the scholarships would be awarded. In this article, we will provide you with all the information about this program.
What is the Dr Ambedkar Samman Scholarship?
The Dr Ambedkar Samman Scholarship is a newly announced Scholarship program for the Dalit students of Delhi. The former chief minister of Delhi, in the election manifesto, said that the government will launch the scheme for the students who want to pursue their higher education in foreign universities. The government will be taking care of all the expenses for the students. He said every Dalit student without any eligibility criteria will be able to apply under this program. The children of government employees are also eligible to apply under this program.
Also Read: Merit Scholarship for SC/ST/OBC/Minority Students Delhi
The objective of Delhi Dr Ambedkar Samman Scholarship
The main objective of the Delhi Dr Ambedkar Samman Scholarship is to give recognition to the minorities of Delhi. Launching the scheme for Dalit Students will be a big step towards their empowerment in society. They will get a chance to complete their higher education, this will help them to represent their community. In addition, the literacy rate among the minorities will be increased. The students don’t have to worry about the financial conditions of their families because all the travel, study, and accommodation-related expenses will be covered by the government itself.
Key Highlights of Dr Ambedkar Samman Scholarship
Name of the scheme | Dr Ambedkar Samman Scholarship |
Announced by | The former chief minister of Delhi |
Beneficiaries | The Dalit students of Delhi |
Benefits | Students will be given the chance for completing their higher education in foreign universities |
Year | 2025 |
Application mode | Online |
Official website | Will be launched soon |
Eligibility Criteria
The eligibility criteria for applying to this program is given below:-
- The applicant should be a permanent resident of Delhi.
- The applicant should belong to The Dalit community for applying under this program.
Benefits Of Scheme
The benefits of this scheme are given below:-
- The scheme will be a great step for empowering the minorities of Delhi.
- The students will be able to achieve higher education in foreign universities.
- The expenses of studying and others will be given by the government.
Also Read: Delhi Scholarship
Required Documents
The documents required for applying under this program are given below:-
- Aadhar card
- PAN card
- Mobile number
- Email ID
- Bank account details
- Residential proof
- Minority certificate
Salient Features
The salient features of this scheme are given below:-
- The scheme will provide the opportunity to Dalit students by providing them with financial assistance for completing their higher education in foreign universities.
- The scheme will empower the minorities of Delhi by providing the opportunity for higher education.
Application Process
The Application process for applying under this program is given below step by step:-
Step 1:- Firstly visit the official website of this program to initiate the process of application.
Step 2:- on the home page of the Official website, you need to click on the apply now button.
Step 3:- on the next page you need to provide all the details about yourself and attach all the documents.
Step 4:- Now scroll down to click on the submit button to complete the process of application.
What is the Dr Ambedkar Samman Scholarship?
The former chief minister of Delhi has announced the Scholarship for Dalit students.
What are the Benefits of this program?
The applicants will be able to complete their higher education in foreign universities free of cost.
What is eligibility for applying for this program?
The applicant should be a permanent resident of Delhi.
Can I apply online for this program?
Yes, you can apply online for this program by visiting the program’s official website.